Which eyebrows fit my face?

The golden rule is to opt for an eyebrow shape opposite to the shape of your face. For example, if you have a long face, you should opt for a low arch and straight, elongated eyebrows to add width to your face.

Which eyebrows fit my face?

The golden rule is to opt for an eyebrow shape opposite to the shape of your face. For example, if you have a long face, you should opt for a low arch and straight, elongated eyebrows to add width to your face. A friend once told me that her boyfriend's eyebrows look like two woolly bear caterpillars trying to mate and I honestly haven't stopped thinking about it for about seven years. Today you decided to take matters into your own hands and give yourself straight and horizontal eyebrows to stop those wandering eyes in a fixed gaze.

A flat brow will make a long face look shorter, don't forget to extend the tail to create the width you need to achieve that A+ look. Do not change them, although arched eyebrows on a long face will draw attention to the forehead. People with round faces may want to use their eyebrows to create the illusion that their face is less circular. To make a round face more oval, you will have to lift the arch of the eyebrow and bring that angle to life; this will lengthen the look of your face.

Your brows provide you with a path to an elegant balancing act that will reveal a dazzling look.

Sienna White
Sienna White

Future salon owner. Friendly web ninja. Professional pop culture fan. Avid web geek. Professional food fanatic.

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