What eyebrows should I have?

The golden rule is to opt for an eyebrow shape opposite to the shape of your face. For example, if you have a long face, you should opt for a low arch and straight, elongated eyebrows to add width to your face.

What eyebrows should I have?

The golden rule is to opt for an eyebrow shape opposite to the shape of your face. For example, if you have a long face, you should opt for a low arch and straight, elongated eyebrows to add width to your face. But first, you have to figure out what the shape of your face really is. You can sit right in the middle of two ways and it can often be hard to tell what face shape you really have, says eyebrow expert Savannah St.

She suggests using a tape measure to determine exact measurements. That way you can really see which part of your face is wider than the others. To get accurate numbers, makeup artist Steve Kassajikian says to measure your forehead, cheekbones, jawline and face length. A single eyebrow can be divided into 6 different elements that help determine what is the best location for each eyebrow, in order to maintain the symmetry of the face.

If you have a round face, you want your face to look longer and less circular; eyebrows with a medium to high arc height and a hard or soft angled arch shape will help lengthen your face. Because of its delicate facial structure, you need a delicate eyebrow; full, strongly structured or heavily arched eyebrows will appear overwhelming on your face and attract too much attention to the forehead. Thick and thick eyebrows with a soft or hard angled arc will attract attention from the jaw to the eyes, smoothing the angles of the face. According to Nilam Holmes, eyebrow expert and founder of Eyebrow Queen, they have exactly the right eyebrow style, abandoning anything for trends in favor of what works for them.

If you have a pear-shaped face, your eyebrows should have a medium arch height and extended tails to create width in the forehead. The starting point of the eyebrow is the point where the ruler intersects the eyebrow line. She recommends, having your eyebrows plucked and tinted every four weeks by an eyebrow expert to give you the best possible eyebrows in the long run, while combing them every day will give you that much-sought definition. For example, you can make a short square face look longer by simply raising your eyebrows creating an arc.

Choosing flattering brows is about selecting an eyebrow that complements and balances the unique shape of your face. To check your endpoint, all you have to do is hold a ruler diagonally from the side of your nose to the outer corner of your eye and let it extend towards your eyebrow. The eyebrows form the upper part of the frame, the jawline forms the lower part of the frame, and the sides are formed between the temples and the jawline. Despite the fact that eyebrows have won some (well-deserved) praise in recent years, they are often overlooked and underestimated.

The eyebrows frame the facial features, creating balance, so that when they change or fall out completely, the balance of the face is lost and the effect can be dramatic.

Sienna White
Sienna White

Future salon owner. Friendly web ninja. Professional pop culture fan. Avid web geek. Professional food fanatic.

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